New Solunar Fishing App
/in Apps, Fishing/by adminFurther to the recent release of the Solunar Hunting Times app, I’ve released a similar Fishing Times app to the app store. This uses the same Solunar methodology as the hunting app to calculate the best times to catch Bass, Trout, Salmon and any other sporting fish.
The app is fully compatible with both the iPhone and iPad, both on iOS7 and iOS8. Click on the button to view and download!
I hope you enjoy this new release, and thank you again for purchasing my apps.
Featured at Apple
/in Apps, Moon Phase Free, Sunrise Sunset Modern/by adminApple have chosen to feature Sun & Moon apps on the front page of the USA Weather App Store this week. I’m batting above the average here. Out of the 14 apps they have chosen to be featured, 2 are mine. Cheers!
New Solunar Hunting app
/in Apps, Hunting/by adminGiven the success of hunting apps in the weather app store last year, I am finishing testing of a Solunar feeding time app which reuses some of the technologies I’ve developed for the sun and moon apps.
In 1926, a gentleman named John Aldenn Knight hypothesised the reasons that animals came out to feed when they do. Ultimately he determined it was to do with the phase of the moon, sunset and sunrise times, and where these coincided.
This app calculates animal feeding times for the day and presents it on the screen along with a rating of how strong the hunting action will be that day.
This app is available now on the app store. It is fully compatible with iOS7 onwards, on both iPhone and iPad. Click on the button to view and download!
Know when the crazy is coming!
/in Apps, Moon Phase Free/by adminMy Moon Phase + Free app has been spotted in the Top 10 Free Weather in the USA the last few days. It took me a while to figure out why but a trail on twitter showed that I owed it to the vibrant Jenna Marbles. She has 13 million followers on Youtube and this week posted the apps she uses on her iPhone, taking swing at some of the most popular apps in the store, but fortunately recommending mine. It’s nice to be reviewed in the same video as Facebook, Snapchat and Google Maps. Thanks Jenna!
Click below – however WARNING – LANGUAGE! My app features at about 5:30 into the video.
You can download the Moon Phase app for free by clicking the download button below.